Ellie Wood

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Chronic Inflammation, Bloom Physical Medicine

Chronic Inflammation is when your body is in a constant state of stress, which can lead to negative impacts on your tissues and organs. Inflammation, in general, refers to your bodys method of fighting against things that harm it, such as infections, injuries, and toxins in an attempt to heal itself. When something beg...

Price: Check with seller Healthcare Service Greenville (South Carolina) United States September 29, 2023 15:13

Shoulder Pain, Bloom Physical Medicine

The shoulder is one of the most movable joints in the human body. The rotator cuff, a group of four muscles and their tendons, gives the shoulder its wide range of motion. When the rotator cuff tendons become trapped under the bony area in the shoulder, the tendons become inflamed or damaged. This condition is called r...

Price: Check with seller Healthcare Service Greeleyville (South Carolina) United States September 29, 2023 15:13

Neck Pain, Bloom Physical Medicine

Neck injuries, even minor ones, can seriously impair your capability to perform even the simplest tasks despite being a rather small area. LeJeune Integrated Medical Centers team can assist you by recommending various treatments and therapies for both acute and chronic neck pain. The experienced team at Bloom Physical ...

Price: Check with seller Healthcare Service Greenville (South Carolina) United States September 29, 2023 15:13

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