
Reputable white label website accessibility solutions provider in the US - Umbrellas

1330 6th Ave, New York, NY 10019, United States New York City in New York (United States) Zip code 10019

Publish date: February 4, 2021 09:38

Price: Check with seller



We are living in an increasingly inclusive, compassionate society. White label website accessibility solutions is growing as a priority, and Umbrellaus is at the forefront of that evolution. Offer our expert-designed web remediation widget to your clients with your own branding. Leverage our years of engineering expertise and collaboration with users with disabilities to provide an automated tool that remediates up to 95% of accessibility issues almost immediately. Add your own logo and links to share with your clients as your specialized offering.

ID: 284645 36 views

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Contact: Umbrella Micro Enterprise...

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The user has registered on 2021-02-04 09:11:55