New book release. Writer Ben Midland unveils Japan's best kept secret

New York City in New York (United States)

Publish date: September 30, 2015 13:29

Price: 9.00 USD




Action, intrigues, the secrets of Japan's most powerful organization and the unmasking of a myth are some of the ingredients of this fact-based story with a incredible plot. This pageturner with 702 pages keeps you astonished and tied from the beginning until the end.
"The Sacred Mirror"
Author: Ben Midland
Language: US-English
Number of pages: 702
ISBN: 978-90-484-2532-7
Publisher: America Star Books, USA.
Paperback and e-book
Available in every Barnes & Noble bookstore in the USA, Alaska and Hawai'i, worldwide by Amazon and in local bookstores in your country, or by ordering with America Star Books, USA.
The writer Ben Midland invites you to talk and discuss with him. Would you like to know more about the subject? Send your comments to the e-mail address visible on this page and let him know what you think of it.
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